Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hunter's Rut

Hunter's suffer from rut. They dig themselves into a never-ending routine that limits success. Something will always be moving and hunters just need to get out there to experience. Sure, there will be bucks on lockdown, but that doesn't mean every single buck will do the same.

Each time I've gone out this year, I've noticed deer in virtually all stages of the rutting process. I've seen quality bucks with a single doe while other mature deer have been in full chase mode. For me, this is when hunters need to experience multiple all-day sits. We tend to forget is those all day sits that most hunters aren't willing to do.

Just because action may cease at 9 o'clock doesn't mean deer won't be back on their feet moving at 12. It baffles me when hunters get in more of a routine than the deer do.

Go sit in the stand for a bit, get out, go eat lunch, take a nap and finish out the evening hunt. Same thing every time. Deer can pattern hunters just as much as we pattern them. The day I shot my buck this year came on an all day sit. Was there action all day - no, but there was decent movement at points in the day when most hunting was not taking place.

Mix it up during the season for a change. I think you will be surprised what you see and how much success you will have in the end.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Worth the Wait

Now this is the post that I can write with a relaxing tone. I've waited to post this since the start of deer season.

I have finally put a tag on a great nine point that has been all over the trail cameras that I've put out. This is one of the only deer that I've put glass to the night before a hunt and taken the very next day. He is the one I set out to get, put a plan together and completed the goal. I love it when a plan comes together like this. he delayed his entry into the field a bit, but I was happy to wait.

It is also pretty cool that I completed an all day sit to get on him. I knew if I didn't get in early there was no shot at this deer. Their bedding area was within 130 yards of where I sat so I crept in early and sat, waiting for this guy to step out.

I forgot one major tip that I wrote about, which made the hunt more difficult. Pack a lunch. I don't think I've ever eaten that much at dinner ever before. I think I about starved waiting on this guy. Here are some photos we took of him and a before picture. What a great animal. Now, it is time to relax a bit more.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Must Have Rut Gear

There are few things I ever leave home without when hunting season hits, but when the rut hits here is what I reach for.

Grunt Tube - There isn't anything better than seeing a buck and giving him little grunt. He then walks in, giving you the perfect shot. I don't settle on one single grunt tube. I like to have at least three with me at all times during the rut.

Rattling Horns - I like the real ones. There is just something about banging a real set around instead of some factory sticks.

Trails End #307 - This doe scent is really good all year round, but when pulled out during the rut it seems to work brilliantly. I've also used Special Golden Estrus, which is really useful. It is always a good idea to use a drag on the way to the stand. Once you get near the stand, make a big circle around the stand. This will cause the buck trailing your scent around your stand, giving you multiple shot opportunities.

Lunch - You might as well get settled in because it is going to be a long sit. The best part of rut means action can come at any moment.

Patience - I really think this one is overlooked. Just because it is the rut doesn't mean there will be hundreds of bucks running by the stand every second of the day. Get in early and get out late, but don't forget the side of patience.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Ducking I Go!

Every once in a while it is great to just get out and break up the deer hunting by heading to public ground for a duck hunt.

The birds were flying high, but we were able to score on some greenheads. Our set up was really working for us, but I think we had a little help from the hunters across the pond. They simply wouldn't put the duck calls down and every duck that came their way split town for our water.

I love it when I don't have to pick up a duck call to shoot ducks. You know you are doing something right when you hunt a bad wind and still kill some ducks. With some new layout blinds working this year, we should kill more ducks than any other year on record. This will be one great ducks season.

Now, back to deer hunting this afternoon on public land near home.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Here it is. I am pleased to announce that no deer were harmed during the shaving. That is correct. I have not taken a buck, and I am good with that. It just wasn't fun any more. The reason I hunt is to have fun and enjoy the outdoors, but the beard was just a constant reminder about the pressure that hunting was bringing.

On this mornings run, I saw a couple does so they are moving a bit later and at least I am seeing movement during the day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Hunter's iPhone Review

What a great tool that renders me absolutely useless in the stand. There are so many useful features and apps that one can acquire for the iPhone, but all-in-all it has made us worse hunters.

The stories are endless of hunters missing opportunities because they were on their cell phones, checking scores, reading facebook or texting folks. What a tragedy that we have been blessed with. A completely great tool that is hurting a hunters ability to learn the hunt and enjoy the chase.

I've already counted multiple times that I've missed deer activity because I have been nose deep in a soccer game or a game of solitary. It seems that I am losing my edge when it comes to picking up on the little things. Like a bird's alert to incoming animals or the passing of a car that triggers instant action right in front of me.

The good things is that the iPhone is great to track weather patterns, and if an accident does occur you have access to help. There is another cool little app that you can track your sightings, deer herd management and weather on an app called ScoutLook. I've played around with this thing and have to admit it is really useful. I've also got a GPS Kit that really has been useful when trying to make it to the stand in pitch dark, but for all its great attributes the iPhone hasn't allowed me to become a more alert and knowledgeable hunter.

The iPhone has hampered what used to be an experience of just being in the great outdoors enjoying nature. I cut my teeth learning how to hunt without the iPhone so I know I can sit in one spot without technology impeding on my sit.

Think about how many great hunters came before us and they had no sense of cell phones. Look at the great bowhunters like Fred Bear, Howard Hill, Chuck Adams and Bob Foulkrod. They got the job down by using knowledge-based skills learned from time in the field not time on the net. These are legends. Guys that didn't take the net into the field with them and neither should our hunting generation.

I am going to attempt to put the phone away and just get back to hunting. No more texts to see how other hunters are doing. I am focusing on my hunt and what has been provided for me to enjoy.

Long live the hunt!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Rut Report - SW Oklahoma

It seems we are edging closer to the chase phase of the rut in SW Oklahoma. I've witnessed some smaller buck bumping does and just being annoying toward the females.

Other than that, there has not been a bunch of activity. I don't know what it is about this year, but things seems slower. The weather has been unseasonably warm and mornings lows haven't even dipped close to freezing.

It has been a long year in more than one way. It is the slow movement by deer and just not seeing much of anything unless it is at night.

I've got a great iPhone, as it pertains to hunters, report coming Wednesday. Stay tuned for an in depth look at a deer hunters best/worst enemy.

Friday, November 2, 2012

FHF - V5

Well, here it is folks. The fifth version of FHF, and I am not pleased for you all to see there is still a growth on my face. I know eventually it will come off, but overall I believe this has taught me one thing. Don't make deals that you really don't want to pay through. Let this be a lesson to us all. If you can't pay up don't agree to anything. It does look like hunting has made me quite grumpy, but I assure you it is just the beard.