Monday, January 25, 2010

The Beginning of Marathon Training or the middle

So I am back from Vegas and ready to start training for the marathon. Turns out my 18 week training program I am going to do needed to start 4 weeks ago. Now I must start on week 5, which includes two 3 mile runs, a 6 mile run and a 10 mile jaunt on Saturday. Needless to say I am terrified that I may have screwed this up. I really can do this, but I am skipping like four weeks of tough training.

Vegas was not very kind to me.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Vegas with my Aunt

It is almost that time when I get to go to work in Vegas, but this time I will have company. My aunt is coming to stay with me a few days. When my uncle passed away it left us both reeling with ain and I think we need to be with each other to remember the good times and just hang out.

Last night before the game I called her to place my bet with her. Typically the bet was made with my uncle and he would always somehow win and I ended up probably owing him umpteen rounds of golf and more dinners than you could shake a stick at. I miss that about him. I really think about him everyday.

Work has been crazy busy this week, but what can you expect. This is the first full week since before Christmas that I have worked.

I just found out my Cousin-in-Law shot a buck last night. I am super excited because he always is out trying to get other people to shoot something and never shoots anything. He really deserves to shoot a biggun. I've not met a nicer more Godly man than him and I've come to find out that good things happen to good people, which is no surprise that he shot a nice one last night.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Gym

It is always entering the gym after New Years. I like to take bets in my mind about how long folks will stick around. Usually it is about two months and they start tapering off.

I am attempting to get back into the routine and I truly have been noticing a difference in my workouts and how the day starts when I have a good one. The day seems shorter and brighter, although it is like 20 degrees and overcast outside. I am running my 2 mile quicker than a week ago, which is good considering marathon training begins in three weeks.

I am looking forward to starting the training, but am dreading the travel that I will be doing while on the training. I will have to pick up the pace when I am on the road because I don't want to get behind in my training.

I haven't looked at the training for a while, partly because I don't want to get intimidated by how much running is involved. I understand that it is building up to running 26.2 miles, but my gosh that is a ton of running.