Friday, August 27, 2010

And I'm Spent

Is it possible to be anymore tired? I have been very tired for the past few days. There is no telling if it is a lack of sleep, which is unlikely, but I think much of it is due to the every day runnin and gunnin that I have been doing. It seems like every day is filled with activities or meetings that encompass life.

I have no idea why it gets this way, but it is what it is.

I don't have a ton of free time, but what I do have I spend it with my family. That is really the best time these days. Jett is doing so many cool these days and Julie is always keeping me on my toes. I still wouldn't change anything though.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


So I have hit the big 31. It isn't really that scary, but actually it is very exciting for me. Thus far, during my 30s, I have exceeded any level of fitness that I once possessed. That does include running my first marathon in 4 hours.

I have a great family and great job. Yes sir, life seems to be going swimmingly. I haven't had as many illnesses or body aches, and with any luck if I keep working out it will stay that way.

Age really isn't a restriction any more. I remember hearing that once you reach 30 its downhill, but I think the opposite is true. The older I get the more active I seem to be. Now, that is not counting the night life because we all know the body consumes and stores alcohol much differently. The hangovers are worse with less consumption, but I think that is a good thing.

I have much to do today. Julie an I are going to meet with the pastor of a relatively new church that we've been attending, which is completely amazing. We aren't entirely sold on it yet, but it is very tempting to completely commit to Summit Church.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Night Dream...Sort Of.

You know the state of sleeping, but you are kind of awake. Well, when you are this state dreams seem more real than ever. Here is the conversation I had when in said state. Mind you, I had this conversation with my beautiful wife.

KJ (sits up in bed in a panic)
JJ: What is it?
KJ: I just dreamed that Jett was laying in bed with us and he peed on me. (This really seemed like it just happened)
JJ (laughter)
KJ: And obviously he did not pee on me.
JJ (more laughter)

At this point I laid back down and went to sleep. The next morning I woke thinking, well, maybe I peed the bed. Luckily, I did not pee the bed, but I seriously thought Jett had peed on me.

This is only one of the crazy dreams I've had during this stage of sleep. I once had one where spiders where hanging of the ceiling fan and closing in quickly - imagine how fast I sprung up from bed that time. But, the best is when I told the cat to get away from the window because the Yotes were going to crash through the window to get her.

My dreams, my life = crazy!