Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Night Dream...Sort Of.

You know the state of sleeping, but you are kind of awake. Well, when you are this state dreams seem more real than ever. Here is the conversation I had when in said state. Mind you, I had this conversation with my beautiful wife.

KJ (sits up in bed in a panic)
JJ: What is it?
KJ: I just dreamed that Jett was laying in bed with us and he peed on me. (This really seemed like it just happened)
JJ (laughter)
KJ: And obviously he did not pee on me.
JJ (more laughter)

At this point I laid back down and went to sleep. The next morning I woke thinking, well, maybe I peed the bed. Luckily, I did not pee the bed, but I seriously thought Jett had peed on me.

This is only one of the crazy dreams I've had during this stage of sleep. I once had one where spiders where hanging of the ceiling fan and closing in quickly - imagine how fast I sprung up from bed that time. But, the best is when I told the cat to get away from the window because the Yotes were going to crash through the window to get her.

My dreams, my life = crazy!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, but they entertain me. That makes it all worth it.