Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Deep Thinker

Okay, my wife is the best. I think I remember last night or perhaps I was dreaming that she got up and wrote something down for what seemed like forever. I've been sleeping pretty hard lately so I can't tell if I was dreaming or not, but I'm pretty sure she wrote something down for her book.

To be in that kind of sleep to have something come to mind then be able to recall everything and put it to paper is really impressive.

Way to go honey you are a deep thinker.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ohh Canada

Well, I am almost back to normal. I have returned from the north country, and to say the least it was a blast. I really missed my family, but man I really had a great time while shooting big game.

The scenery was beautiful. It was a great time with my dad. We hunted each and every waking hour, only to find that the hunting was tougher than we had figured. Overall, I shot a blonde bear and a big elk. I couldn't be happier with what I have accomplished.