Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Another Caller

I have successfully pulled off another anonymous call. It all comes down to people not getting their new numbers to me.

This particular person was in the nursing home so I shot him a text message letting him know that I heard he was going into surgery and I'll be praying for him. Here is how that call went down.

KJ: Hello
Unknown Caller: Hey man, how are you doing today. (I now realize it isn't the guy I text messaged)
KJ: I'm good, just taking it easy. How are you doing?
UC: I'm good, I didn't have the surgery.
KJ: Well That's a relief. Cody said he thought you were going to have it today.
UC: No, they decided not to so I am back in the nursing home. What are you doing.
KJ: Just working hard, It is tough to do around the holidays.
UC: That's great. Are you makin money or losing money?
KJ: I'm always losing money. I never know where it is going.
UC: That is pretty good. Well I appreciate you checking in on me.
KJ: Anytime, I am happy to do it.
UC: Talk to you soon.

This is just how it goes with me. I can find out early that I have no clue who it is, but I just ride it out. Why take away the joy of getting to talk to me?

Monday, December 21, 2009


Why is food so good? I really struggle with my love for food.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Totally Committed

I am totally committed to the OKC Memorial Marathon. They have my money so I've gone all-in for my first marathon.

It is a bit unsettling to think that I will be running 26.2 miles of street. Nervous, intimidated or frightened all come to mind when thinking about the long arduous run. I have issues with running two miles, let alone 26.2 miles. That is a feat unto itself and I am going into it with the idea of finishing it. I don't mind stopping and walking if that is needed.

My main motivator is my Uncle. I lost him and it has been horrible coming to grips with the fact that I can't talk to him anymore. I ran the half-marathon last year for him and his fight against adrenal cancer, but he lost that fight, so I am going to take up the full marathon in remembrance.

I know he would be excited to hear that I am doing the marathon, but would probably ask if something was chasing me. Uncle Kim loved to get outdoors and stay active, so hopefully this will also serve as a learning tool for Jett. If I can finish this, there is no reason he to can set his mind to something and complete it, knowing that he did everything possible.

Training starts Jan.1, and a new diet will start after I return from Vegas.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Never Ending Year

This year cannot come to a close fast enough. My new year's resolution is just to pray that I don't lose anyone close to me. Julie's grandmother passed away this week and it has been pretty rough.

I know Julie gets tired of me asking if she is okay, but she just seems down and distracted. I worry to often that she is unhappy with me. I know I should take her word for it when she says for the fifteenth time that she is fine, but I want to be able to help her out.

I don't think it is so wrong to be the one she can come to express her feelings of sadness or concern. I believe she knows I am here for her, but I don't know if she wants to talk? Needless to say, I can't read women's feelings, they make me nervous.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Time

I really don't know what this Christmas season has in store? I know it will be filled with good times, but with my grandads and uncle gone there will be some sadness and something missing that always brightened my season.

I honestly can't wait to see how Jett reacts to presents this year. Last year he was kind of just sitting there wide eyed and in awe of his cousins and their demolition of wrapping paper. I wonder if he will be cautious or jump right in and go to ripping off paper. If I had to put money on it I would say he will ease into the process. He is his momma's boy and she never jumps right into something new. Whereas his dad jumps at the drop of the hat.

I put up Christmas lights early, but it made my wife happy and that is really all that matters. We are actually on top of things this year and getting everything done early, which helps the process rather than waiting till the last minute. I love this time of year. I usually have a nightcap that consists of a small bit of egg nog, 1% milk and Captain Morgan Private Stock. It has to be one of the greatest drinks, but I only like it with Private Stock. It is a must try. I may have one tonight.

This hunting season is almost to a close. I have filled the all important buck tags and didn't waste time on the does for right now. I may go out with my brother this weekend and see if I can get him on a deer. Who knows, maybe I will put down another doe.