Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In Case You Missed Me

Wow, what a whirlwind adventure. In the past week I've been stopped by the federally, flown through - and stopped in - 3 different time zones in 24 hours, flown with a 2 year old, caught the largest bass in my entire life, ran through the dessert hills of Mexico and spent three or so days with my family in Kentucky. To top it all off, I survived and am back on a regular schedule.

It sounds like a mouthful, but it was a blast. Well, except for the few tense moments when the federally thought we were smuggling drugs through the small town of La Cruz. Once they found out we were just a couple of gringos looking to catch some fish they were cool and let us go on our merry way.

My wife thought I should start blogging about my travels around the states for my job, and I suppose I will tell my wide viewership a few stories about my travels. This could be considered a first for me since I work in a position that allows me to come to work in shorts and a ball cap, and I never really share a ton of stories with you guys about my travels. I mean with a job like mine you'd think I'd be bragging up a storm about this job.

It really is a dream position that I worked my tail off to get, and I have no plans on letting go. I do work under the blanket term PR, which is a fancy way of saying I put our client in front of viewers any way possible. It typically falls into the print media, but throughout the years of continued growth in social media and video it has grown into those markets as well. So my company does it all. Everything from taking writers on photo shoots (glamour) to writing press releases (dirty work), the company is well diversified in the outdoor markets, and every single staff person loves what they do.

So I will begin to let you in a little deeper into the travels of an outdoor industry PR dude. I know both of you know what I do, and at least one of you will hear this story more than a couple times, but it is a new direction for the blog. Next week, I'm in Vegas so things could get interesting quick.


Unknown said...

Glad you're back. I did miss you - even though I saw you a few hours ago :)

iheartfootloose said...

definitely missed you!
cant wait for the stories. :)