Friday, October 5, 2012

V1 Facial Hair Friday

Let's face it. Guys don't always make the best decisions when it comes to bet or deal making. Sometimes we just don't think. However, we are willing to stick to our bets for as long as we can - no matter how stupid they may be. My hunting partner and I made a deal that we couldn't shave the face unless that individual shot a good buck. The growth period started October 1 so it should be interesting to see how long I can actually last. It will be interesting to see if I can last because I've never grown my facial hair out. I am sure my wife is thrilled with this fact. She gets scratched when I kiss her, but it's for the cause. So, every Friday I will post a picture of the progress. If, by chance, I shoot a good one you will know on a Friday by a clean shaven mug. KJ

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