Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hawaii Bound

It is only a couple days till we go to Hawaii. Yes, it sounds exciting and trust me I'm jacked. Here is how we see it in our minds. We party and stay up late having a great time.

The reality. We will probably be in bed by 10, well maybe 10:30, if we really hit the town hard and we will be up early to catch the morning buffet at Dukes.

Our college bodies are telling us to party like it was 2001, but our parent minds are telling us we have a bunch of beaches to lay on so you better relax.

To be honest, I hope we are able to hang with the young folks. I'm not saying I have something to prove, but we don't have the kid and all this time to ourselves.

We need to make it count. Who knows when the next time this will happen again.


iheartfootloose said...

Amen! Have a blast! When you guys get back we will have to have a lunch date like I said before :)
Also, you need to get another Hawaii tat ;)

Unknown said...

I can't wait!!!

Unknown said...

@ Iheart....I got a running tat this time.