Monday, May 17, 2010

Long Time, No Write

It has been quite some time since I was last seen by you two on Blogger. Just to give one of you an update, because the other is my wife and she always knows what is going on in my head.

I've been on the road and the writing in my job is going to get hectic since we are beginning to create the press kit for this year. I look forward to writing a bit more. It keeps me on my toes and pushes me beyond my comfort levels as a writer. I've been having some twinges in my right knee. I've decided to let it rest for a few days, but the weight training continues. Yesterday I had McDonalds and it was as disgusting as I remembered.

I also am going back on my no alcohol kick for a little bit. Not that I really need to, but I feel healthier when I am not drinking every softball night.

The family is doing great. We have been having alot of fun together. Well, except for the last few minutes of car ride home last night. It was loud and tested my patience to the bitter end.


Unknown said...

Yes. The combo of a grouchy boy and McDonalds for lunch about pushed us all over the edge, but other than that, it was a good weekend.

iheartfootloose said...

thanks for the update :)