Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Well, you are probably wondering how I chose my playlist. I know my wife hates it when there is music on websites, but I actually enjoy hearing what people are feeling and what drives them each day.

Here is a run down of why the songs are on my playlist.

Wicked Twisted Road - I like to think that I have a wild side every once in a while, but maintain my focus.
One Woman - Cause there is only One Woman that I love and have loved. Julie is an everyday inspiration and drives my every thought.
This Is Goodbye - I am dealing with the loss of many family members this year and it truly isn't a goodbye that I've experienced before. I know it is probably about a breakup, but I feel that I am losing them and it really is "hell".
I Still Do - This one is easy. I thank God everyday for the woman I love. She is the best and after all these years I Still Do.
Feelin' Good Again - It is always a good time to be Feelin' Good Again
Wonderwall - It is just a great version of the classic.

So there you have it. My thoughts on my playlist. Enjoy.


Unknown said...

I'm so blessed to have you. I usually don't like music on websites, but I love your playlist. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

All the time and have always played music. I just love hearing music. Nice blog. Thanks For Sharing.